The ports aren't really designed to give you faster connection speeds... Except in instances where you may allow the use of the UDP protocol aswell as TCP or instead of.. Such as TFTP for example on port 69.
The purpose of ports is to allow certtain protocols/services accesses through your firewall. For example if you had a web browser you would open port 80 and then use NAT to forward these ports by the ip address of the machine the web server resided on..
I think what you are referring to is improving utorrents access by using a dedicated port. This can be done.. somewhere in the settings of utorrent is a dialog box allowing you to specify a port.. This will probably be in the 20000-40000 range. You set the port number you wish to use.
Then log onto your router using a web browser and the routers IP address.. Vista show this in network otherwise its a safe bet the IP address is you default gateway.. Run command prompt and type ipconfig press enter.
Enter that ip address into the search bar of your web browser IE7, Firefox etc.
Whola you should be on your router configuration page... they are different depending on manufacturer but in there you should be able to NAT, Port forwarding or Sockets. This is often behind an "advanced" tab this basically means the manufacturer is saying I hope you knwo what you are doing because if you don't.. Don't come crying to us.
Find the relevant table and allow TCP&UDP to be open for the specified port (the one you chose in utorrent, use the default if oyu wish but why make it easy for hackers..?) and forward it to the computer you wish to use for utorrent.
Congratulations you have entered the world of Networking. Make sure the port is added to exceptions in any software firewalll you may use COmmodo, Norton windows firewall etc.
I would advise getting Commodo free firewall if you are using torrent it has very good monitoring tools. Be careful wha tyou download too.. If you see a file that looks too good to be true it usually is.. Torrent and all peer to peer has inherent dangers and are excellent foils for hackers to gain access to your system and sensitive data. I would port forward to a machine that I don't use for internet shopping as an example. Also make sure the machine you use has the guest account disabled, does not log on with an admnistrator account and has a strong pasword using alaphanumeric and non standard characters eg # ~ etc.
I am no hacker but just from picking up your IP address I could potentially take control of your system literally whilst you are asleep if it was not protected properly. A good hacker can do that even it is protected properly - he'd rather just waste less tiem and pick on unprotected systems.