This will work on Win 7...
To ENABLE the hidden account
in the Search field on the Start menu. Right click the command prompt icon at the top of the Start menu and click Run as administrator.
Net user administrator /active:yes
Once you complete these steps, the Administrator account will appear on the Welcome screen. To disable once again hide the account, repeat step 1 described above and type
Net user administrator /active:no
Logon to Vista/Windows 7 using your normal username and password.
Click on the Start button
Click on Start Search.
Right-click cmd, select 'Run as administrator' from the shortcut menu.
In the black 'DOS box', type the following at the command line:
Net help user
The idea of the last command is just to observe the options for Net User. In particular, examine the syntax to set the password.
The next instruction is the crucial command.
Net user administrator (enter a password that you'll remember) hit Return/Enter.
Net user administrator /active:yes
Hit Return/Enter.
Check the message : The command completed successfully
Switch User, or logoff
Logon as Administrator and enter the password you created in the last step.
To DISABLE the hidden account...
Make sure you are logged on as your regular user account, and then open an administrator mode command prompt as above. Type the following command:
net user administrator /active:no
The administrator account will now be disabled, and shouldn’t show up on the login screen anymore.
Trap1: There should be no space between the word 'active' and the colon.
/active :yes is wrong.
/active:yes is correct.
Trap2: You need a forward slash before /active
Net user administrator active:yes is wrong.
Net user administrator /active:yes is correct.