2010-06-09 07:13:37 UTC
I am going to give this much info:
It says "Cable Unplugged/DSL connection down" and when that happens, neither the wireless, or the ethernet network works.
It isn't the Ethernet cable. Since I've tried different ones.
I've tried updating my network card, didn't really do anything at all.
It only says "Cable unplugged" when I turn on my stationary computer. It doesn't happen the moment the stationary is plugged in with Ethernet, rather, it happens at random AFTER I plug it in. Everything from 10 minutes to 1 hour.
I have a Speedtouch modem with 4 different places to put the ethernet cable. None of them make a difference.
The only thing I am trying to see if it works: I am leaving my computer that is stationary on, without plugging it into my modem. If so, then the only thing that COULD be doing this, must be my wireless keyboard somehow messing up with the modem. If that is even possible. Still, I want other opinions on what this might be, and what it probably isn't.