2010-09-10 12:01:48 UTC
We have 4 brand new servers set up by themselves running on a new domain ready to take over the roles of the 4 older servers. We have ample time (3 months or so) to come up with a step by step plan on how to do this.
We've decided to start new since the old domain was messed up by a previous IT staff and we aren't concerned with group policy since we are going to rebuild it.
However we would like to somehow transfer over the Active Directory user info and such instead of re-creating it. Is there a way to do that?
Also we need to transfer all the user files and home directories as well.
I'm mostly in charge of the migration but the thing is I'm not sure how to transfer hundreds of Gigs of user files AND their file permissions from the old domain to the new domain or what will happen.
I also don't know how to export and import the active directory information.
Usually we'd do a normal server role transfer but we don't want to join the new servers to the old domain.
How should I go about this migration?