It depends on what you mean by "Multiple Access Points"
If you mean "allowing multiple users to share an Internet connection" then:
The router you have is a wireless router that can accept multiple computers connected to it to share a single Internet connection.
Connect you system
Internet => Modem => Wireless Router
Configure your router using the standard recommended setup
Assuming your router is up , a customer turning on his laptop should be able to see the name you gave your router (sleepylandmotel). When he attempts to connect to it, he should be asked for the security code given to him at check in. Entering the security code should allow him to access the Internet through the router
If you mean " I have multiple wireless access points, and want to connect them to one modem" then:
you will need one standard wired router and your wireless access points and connect them like this
Internet =>Modem =>Router => Access Point 1
Router => Access Point 2
Router => Access Point 3
The Netgear Router you have can act as an "access point only" by turning off the router feature using the setup screens
Set up your network this way
Router - Standard setup for WAN - let it get the IP address from the provider
- Set up fixed addresses for the Access points (like , .102 , 103)
Access points - Configure the WAN addresses for the fixed addresses you selected
- Let the access points assign the IP addresses to the wireless computers.
Your customers will connect to the wireless access point in their area the same was as described above