How to set up my wireless router?
lucky g
2007-07-30 14:00:05 UTC
When I first tried to set up my wireless router, I could use the internet (wired) through the router on my desktop but not the wireless. So I called the tech support (its a Buffalo Air System Turbo G router). They had me change some things on buffalo's install page (the address that is all numbers) including a MAC address? and how it detected settings (to automatically detect). I also was told to reset the router, unplug both the router and the modem, and do this several times in several different ways (I had to call twice, since my problem was not solved).

After the first call, I had a connection to the network on my desktop, but it was only sending, not receiving packets, and I was unable to connect to the internet. I didn't even try the laptop. So I called again, and did the same things again (listed above). I was told to just try unplugging both again for a half hour and setting it up again.
I have Windows XP, and am using Comcast DSL.
Four answers:
2007-07-30 14:28:00 UTC
Let's start witha summary and some corrections.

1. Your ISP is ComCast using a CATV feed, not a DSL feed. It is terminated with a modem.

2. You have a Buffalo Technologies wireless router. Its WAN port should be connected to the ComCast modem Internet Feed port.

3. I presume you have a dynamic IP from Com Cast, not a static IP.

Turn off modem, router, and all pcs. After at least 0.5 min turn on modem, after at least 1.0 minute turn on router, after at least 1.0 more minute, turn on the pc and wait for all to warm up.

Connect a pc to the wired LAN port of the router and let's get the wired ports working.

Open up the router configuration page. This is done by entering the IP address of the router (default gateway) in the web browser, then entering user name and password.

Open the WAN or Public side configuration. Make sure it is set for a dynamic IP address and dynamic DNS.

Open the LAN or private side configuration. Make sure it provides LAN IP addresses via DHCP.

Minimize the browser.

Open Command Prompt (start, run - type in cmd and hit enter). Type in at the prompt "ipconfig /all" without quotes and hit enter. You should be given the IP address of the wired connection, the subnet mask ( most likely), and the default gateway (which is the IP address you entered in web browser to access the router). If you do not see this, check the LAN configuration on your pc (start, right click my network places, click on properties, right click on the LAN connection and select properties, highlight Internet Connection (TCP/IP) and click on the properties button - and make sure the radio knob Obtain an IP address automatically, and Obtain DNS automatically are selected, then close out of this.

Now go back to command prompt and type in "ipconfig /all" and hit enter. If you do not have a LAN IP address at this point, there is either a router or a LAN cable problem. Connect a different cable to the router LAN port and the pc. Make sure it is a straight cat5 cable, not a cross. Try again until this works as you must have a pc - router connection.

Once you have a LAN IP address from "ipconfig /all", then in command prompt, type in "ping" and hit enter. You should have 4 positive replies. If you have no replies you have a problem with the wan config and you need to check with your ISP and you must make sure your router is properly configured at the WAN port.

Now open web browser to a public web page. All should work.

Now for the wireless part. Again configure with the wired connection. Activate the wireless connecton, select encryption (WPA2 if available, WPA if WPA2 is not, WEP if you have no other choice). If you use a WPA create a preshare key and record it as you will need it. Implement MAC address validation and record the 802.11 device MAC addresses for all pcs you wish to access via wireless. The MAC address of the wireless ports can be found in Command Prompt by typing in "ipconfig /all" on each pc you wish to connect via wireless; it is called physical address and is a 12 character address with each pair of characters separated by either a - or a :.

Now fire up each pc you wish to configure wirelessly. Configure the wireless connection for the encryption, and enter the preshare key. Save this connection config. Open command prompt and type in "ipconfig /all" and you should see a LAN IP address for the wireless port. If you do, you have internet; if you do not you have not connected the wireless port consistant with the wireless config in the router and you need to check each setting for accuracy.
2016-05-18 04:18:53 UTC
Be aware that there is a difference between Disabling the SSID broadcast and shutting down the WI-FI radios completely. Disabling the SSID broadcasts do not actually turn off the Wi-Fi. They just stop the router from sending out beacons that advertise that the WI-FI is available (also known as creating a closed network). To completely shut down the Wi-FI you need to find the option to disable the WI-FI. Since each router is different, this option can be in many places. Usually you have to find it in the Advanced Wi-Fi settings.
2007-07-30 14:09:33 UTC
It sounds like you have a firewall.

You should be able to manually open some ports that the router needs through the software packaged with the router.

I have Comcast Cable internet also.

You should see if the auto configurations have firewall options, depending on who your firewall is (probably McAffee).
2007-07-30 14:57:29 UTC
set up the wiress network to your PC and laptop

1. you need and handphone (mobile)

with the really registred line supply by the wiresstelephone

service company

a lot of this company lying to the customer like you.

to be fact they are not supply the facility.

That is WHY, your wiress usage can not funtion.

2. The handphone have the connect cable or bluethooth

and you need the software DISC to customise your PC or

laptop before you can use.

3. Present day the NOKIA company have the special phone,

it comes with the complete neccesary matterial.

something like NOKIA model 6670 and 6600.


you need to ask the wiress telephone company

Is that the so call telephone model is accepted fuction

with thier telephone line.

They call supporting computer wiress fuctioning facility

IF no, no point for you buy this handphone,

Bedause it can not work, as what you say.

5. Such as, GPRS and 3G wiress internet service supply,

they also supply this facility with your telephone company

This you need to ask your telephone company before you

go to it.

the telephone company will tell you how to make the set up

TELEPHONE company means the company whom

supply you the Sim card to your handphone.

6. DO NOT TRUST the PCMCIA wiress device.

this product can not be use. they only make for their

hot spot area use.


I am the owner of the

leehengchewgearinggroup (wiress)

specially design this for the usage on wiress usage on

internet and computer/laptop.

you may refer to the yahoo group and fund my group

go to yahoo search then go to group

then go to leehengchewgearinggroup/wiress

You will find out what facility you will get from that.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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