set up the wiress network to your PC and laptop
1. you need and handphone (mobile)
with the really registred line supply by the wiresstelephone
service company
a lot of this company lying to the customer like you.
to be fact they are not supply the facility.
That is WHY, your wiress usage can not funtion.
2. The handphone have the connect cable or bluethooth
and you need the software DISC to customise your PC or
laptop before you can use.
3. Present day the NOKIA company have the special phone,
it comes with the complete neccesary matterial.
something like NOKIA model 6670 and 6600.
you need to ask the wiress telephone company
Is that the so call telephone model is accepted fuction
with thier telephone line.
They call supporting computer wiress fuctioning facility
IF no, no point for you buy this handphone,
Bedause it can not work, as what you say.
5. Such as, GPRS and 3G wiress internet service supply,
they also supply this facility with your telephone company
This you need to ask your telephone company before you
go to it.
the telephone company will tell you how to make the set up
TELEPHONE company means the company whom
supply you the Sim card to your handphone.
6. DO NOT TRUST the PCMCIA wiress device.
this product can not be use. they only make for their
hot spot area use.
I am the owner of the
leehengchewgearinggroup (wiress)
specially design this for the usage on wiress usage on
internet and computer/laptop.
you may refer to the yahoo group and fund my group
go to yahoo search then go to group
then go to leehengchewgearinggroup/wiress
You will find out what facility you will get from that.